Tag Archives: Specialist Appliance

Appliances Chevrolet Specialist Support

Fire & Rescue NSW – ME009 – Chevrolet USAR Recon

Service – NSW Fire & Rescue
Appliance Type – USAR Reconnaisance Vehicle
Fleet number – ME 009
Cab Chassis – Chevrolet Silverado
Body Builder –
Registration – FBY009

Callsign “USAR 4”, this vehicle is a reconnaisance and transport vehicle for USAR taskings. The main USAR appliance in the Sydney area is a semi-trailer “USAR 1”, so this vehicle gives a more nimble capability for either forward reconnaisance or transport of equipment.

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WA Fire & Rescue – HRT1 – Austral Firepac Rescue

Service – Fire & Rescue Service of WA
Appliance type – Heavy Rescue Tender
Fleet number – HRT1
Cab Chassis – Austral Firepac
Body Builder – Austral Special Vehicles
Registration – 8GD424

Served at Perth

HRT1 was the only Austral Firepac used by fire services in WA. It was used for major road crash and other rescues, as well as attending large structure fires.

WA Fire & Rescue transitioned to a decentralised approach, with Heavy Rescue roles being primarily performed by Pumpers equipped with additional rescue equipment. The Pumpers are known as ‘Medium Pumper – Heavy Rescue’, with Heavy Rescue signage above the lockers of the rear body.


WA FRS Heavy Rescue TenderWA FRS Heavy Rescue Tender. The only Austral Firepac to make it into service, the HRT ran from Perth Station and responded to major accidents and rescues, as well as large structure fires.

Appliances Fire & Rescue NSW Hino New South Wales

Fire & Rescue NSW – ME192 – Hino – Heavy Hazmat

Service – NSW Fire & Rescue
Appliance type – Heavy Hazmat
Fleet number – ME192
Cab Chassis – Hino
Body Builder –
Registration – FBY192

Served at Alexandria

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WA Fire & Rescue – POD Carrier (PCAR1)

Service – Fire & Rescue Service of WA
Appliance type -POD Carrier/Transporter
Fleet number – PCAR1
Cab Chassis – International ACCO
Body Builder –
Registration – 1QAH538

This POD Carrier was first setup with a Hose Layer and Bulk Foam POD. It spent many years sitting dormant at Forrestfield training academy and O’Connor workshops before the POD program was finally activated and it was placed at Malaga Fire Station.

The POD (Platform on Demand) system allows specialist modules to be transported with the modules lifted on or off as needed. It’s a similar concept to a ‘Skip Bin’ that you may have used at your home. This allows multiple specialist resources to be established with fewer trucks needed to transport them, reducing the number of vehicles and crews required. Once a module is delivered, the carrier can continue on to deliver other modules if necessary. Modules can also be left insitu for long periods without the vehicle staying on site.

Modules currently include USAR and Decontamination


WA Fire & Rescue – SET (SM02/ST02)

Service – Fire & Rescue Service of WA
Appliance type – Specialised Equipment Tender
Fleet number – SM02/ST02
Cab Chassis – Scania
Body Builder –
Registration – 1QAM234
Stationed at Osborne Park

The Specialised Equipment Tender is designed to provide additional specialist equipment to supplement the equipment carried on pumper appliances. The role is typical of those fulfilled by a Hazmat or Breathing Apparatus support appliance in other services. Indeed the most common response for these appliances is to support urban incidents with Breathing Apparatus resources including spare cylinders and servicing.

This current model is a semi-detachable unit, based on a Scania cab-chassis with a rear body module which can be removed for servicing or transfer of the module to another vehicle if necessary. Note that this varies from the POD concept where the module is delivered on a slide on-slide off transporter system.

A large retractable awning on the kerbside provides shelter for operations and a ramp at the rear provides a loading/unloading point for equipment in addition to a door on the side. Some equipment is stored in external lockers, such as spare BA cylinders, with most equipment stored in racking inside the rear module. At the front of the rear module is a small command & control area equipped with communications equipment and workstations for management of incidents.

SM02/ST02 was a replacement for the original SET stationed at Osborne Park. It’s an identical appliance to Murdoch’s SET. Osborne Park SET mainly services the north of Perth with Murdoch’s covering south.

WA FRS Osborne Park SETSpecialised Equipment Tender from Osborne Park in attendance at a 3 Alarm Residential Fire

WA Fire & Rescue – SET (SM01/ST01)

Service – Fire & Rescue Service of WA
Appliance type – Specialised Equipment Tender
Fleet number – SM01/ST01
Cab Chassis – Scania
Body Builder –
Registration – 1QAR947

The Specialised Equipment Tender is designed to provide additional specialist equipment to supplement the equipment carried on pumper appliances. The role is typical of those fulfilled by a Hazmat or Breathing Apparatus support appliance in other services. Indeed the most common response for these appliances is to support urban incidents with Breathing Apparatus resources including spare cylinders and servicing.

This current model is a semi-detachable unit, based on a Scania cab-chassis with a rear body module which can be removed for servicing or transfer of the module to another vehicle if necessary. Note that this varies from the POD concept where the module is delivered on a slide on-slide off transporter system.

A large retractable awning on the kerbside provides shelter for operations and a ramp at the rear provides a loading/unloading point for equipment in addition to a door on the side. Some equipment is stored in external lockers, such as spare BA cylinders, with most equipment stored in racking inside the rear module. At the front of the rear module is a small command & control area equipped with communications equipment and workstations for management of incidents.

SM01/ST01 was an incremental appliance brought online at the new Murdoch Fire Station, providing a resource south of the river. This reduced the reliance on the existing SET, stationed at Perth and then Osborne Park Stations, and allows that resource to focus more of the north of Perth.


Appliances Fire & Rescue NSW Isuzu

Fire & Rescue NSW – ME380 – Isuzu – CO2 Tender

Service – NSW Fire & Rescue
Appliance type – CO2 Tender
Fleet number – ME380
Cab Chassis – Isuzu
Body Builder –
Registration – FBY380

Served at 9 Greenacre Hazmat, then later relocated to 38 Pyrmont

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FRNSW CO2 Tender - 38 Pyrmont

FRNSW CO2 Tender - 38 Pyrmont

Appliances Fire & Rescue NSW Hazmat Mercedes

Fire & Rescue NSW – ME405 – Mercedes – Hazmat Support Van

Service  -NSW Fire & Rescue
Appliance Type – Hazmat Support Van
Fleet number – ME 405
Cab Chassis – Mercedes
Body Builder –
Registration – FBY405

Served at Newcastle

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ACCO Appliances Fire & Rescue NSW New South Wales Specialist Support

Fire & Rescue NSW – ME377 – ACCO – USAR/ POD Transporter

Service  -NSW Fire & Rescue
Appliance Type – Transporter (USAR)
Fleet number – ME 377
Cab Chassis – International ACCO 2350G
Body Builder –
Registration – FBY377

Served at Newcastle as USAR vehicle

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Appliances Fire & Rescue WA

WA Fire & Rescue – Incident Control Vehicles

WA Fire & Rescue run one Incident Control Vehicle (ICV) in the Perth Metro area. The main role of the ICV is to enable communication, command and control at large scale incidents.

ICVs are equipped with Radios and other communications equipment such as facsimile, mobile telephone and data/internet capabilities to enable connectivity with the Communications Centre, and with crews at the incident. The ICV is also a location for the Incident Controller (IC) and Incident Management Team (IMT) to operate from.


Earlier models predominantly provided communications terminals and a small workspace internally, and carried awnings or tents to establish a larger working area outside the vehicle.
ICV2 at a Scrub Fire in Star Swamp

The outside of these earlier models was often utilised for ‘battle boards’ showing resource deployment, and Incident maps
ICV3 on Display at Perth's Open Day in 2004, with ICV2 in the background


The latest ICV for FRSWA saw a major upgrade, featuring a custom made body on a Scania Crew Cab Chassis. The ICV features a slide out section, which increases the internal workspace. The internal space provides separate communications and IMT space. A dedicated stairway and window enables the separation of crews reporting to the ICV from the IMT operations, reducing distraction and clutter.
WA Fire & Rescue's ICV at a large industrial fire near Perth Airport in 2010

Vehicle Details

ICV2: 1988 Nissan W40

ICV3: 1985 Toyota Coaster

ICV5: Scania P310 Crew Cab, with Purpose Built rear Body section.

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